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My Debut Novel

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"Confessions of a Co-Parent: From doormat to POWERHOUSE" is a narrative non-fiction about my journey of self-discovery through divorce. I travel from my near suicide after finding out the father of my children was seeing someone else to developing a life of mindful cooperative 50/50 custody. I discuss my real world rollercoaster of parenting. From "terrible mom" accusations and threats of being sued for full custody. I show my empowerment to assist my kids to lead resilient fulfilled lives and THRIVE. 

Other Work and Contributions


There is no single approach or set of instructions for healing from depression, but there are thousands of people who successfully rise above the hopelessness. These are their stories, ideas, failures, triumphs, and the encouragement and tips they want to pass on—to you.

Rise Above Depression is a resource to help sufferers and loved ones understand depression, identify triggers, and discover relief tactics to use in the midst of depressive episodes. The book provides suggestions and tips to help us control what we can control—our thoughts and actions—to make incremental steps from depression to whole healing.

Rising is a journey, not a single event. It does not guarantee an end to suffering, but it does promise a new perspective, and with that perspective comes the strength to press on.

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